
Tell Me Where It Hurts

Q: My mother, who's 83 suffers from severe depression and she never responded well to medication or psychotherapy. Since I was a kid, I've seen her hurting all over, all the time. Is that normal in depression?

A: Our brain depends for its function on the presence of a multitude of chemicals that allows the nerve cells to "talk" to each other. Due to a combination of genetic predisposition and life's stressful events, this chemical balance may be lost, resulting in depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and many other forms of impairment of brain function.

In depression, we lose the ability to have fun, our concentration diminishes and our irritability increases. Even as we shut down to the outside world, we gain increased sensitivity to the discomforts of the body. Normal aches and pains may become intolerable, a simple extra heartbeat or excess abdominal gas can become a major source of distress. In fact, most patients with depression arrive at the doctor's office complaining of other non-specific medical problems that often have to be ruled out before the diagnosis of depression can be made.

On the other hand, just because a person suffers from depression doesn't mean that he or she is immune to other diseases. For example, older folks can develop a condition named polymyalgia rheumatica, which may cause severe generalized pain and fatigue, often misdiagnosed as depression because, with a couple of exceptions, blood tests are non-diagnostic.




© Dr. Moacir Schnapp and Dr. Kit Mays


Articles Presented by Dr. Moacir Schnapp and Dr. Kit Mays - Click here to learn more.

Tell Me Where It Hurts

Pain As A Neurodegenerative Disorder

The Multidisciplinary Approach to Pain

Opiate Myths

Pain is Obligatory, But Suffering is Optional

Pain: Myth Busters

Sleepless in Pain

The Pain from Shingles

When You Need a Pain Specialist

Why Does Pain Hurt?